Sunday, July 31, 2011

The End of The World

The End of The World

Today attended a talk organised by Santavana Forest Hermitage.

2pm- 4pm @ Promenade KK.

Its about the perspective of Buddhism about the End of the world.

My dad would want to join this but sadly my big aunt coming back from KL.

So him, Aunt Jen & Uncle Kiong need to accompany big aunt back to Beaufort.

Cousin Kewei also want to come but due to time constraint she cant.

All of you sure got fate to join activities like this again in the future.

Dont disappointed okay?

Back to topic...... 

 We came quite early just to avoid the crowded registration and to get nice seat.

 Mr. Randy.
He is very interested and motivated to come.
I'm glad that he come.
Its a good karma to go such activities.

I know that he dont understand the Buddhism term.
So i try to explain to him what I know.

Then I remember one of the sifu's saying, 

You come to this talk.
Does not mean you are better than other people.
Does not mean you live longer than other people.
Does not mean you can avoid the end of the world.
But we hope you can increase knowledge.
get wider perception about the end of the world.

I like that!

 Satisfied post of the day.

Then the talk also discuss....

Every religion have their own world end day.
Christian is millennial.
Muslim is......
Hindus is.....
Buddhism is after 56million years later.

I forgot the years told by the Professor.

But for sure.....

The 2012 had gave a wrong mind set to the human being.

 Selamat Menyambut Bulan Puasa to all the Muslim friends...

There are a lot new knowledge that i learnt from the talk.
Of course mainly focus on Buddhism point of view.

Some other knowledge I already know,
but the talk stress it out so it made me more emphasized on the knowledge.

In Buddhism point of view:

Even tomorrow is the end of the world.
the earth is no longer exist.
Reincarnation is wont stop.
Buddhists will live in another new planet and continue with the reincarnation.

Cousin if you reading this...
we shall continue this sharing once we meet..


sadhu sadhu sadhu.


1 comment:

  1. Nice one! Aiya so sayang I din join! huhu. Next time la..this 14 of August will you join?

    ApakYiyi wanted to join also tu..
