Sunday, November 25, 2012

7.90 Book.



Happy Sunday yo' all.

Sunday is usually a day for me to be lazy at home. Yet today was different as I went out with Randy again. I am a strong believer in my religion. I do believe karma exist in our daily life. After back home today, this thought suddenly popped out and its a coincident? 

Just two days ago, I went to a hangout session for a friend's farewell. I knew I had to bring something to give my friend as farewell gift. I knew we might not be seeing each other again at least in these few years. Due to this reason, I really want to get her something affordable. But i didn't manage go town to buy her a gift. So what I really did was choose my favorite things in my collection - a novel ( which is the only "presentable" gift) for her. :D

Having to let go of a thing you really like is hard. But don't take me wrong. I really like give people present because seeing people happy, I am happy also. :D  And I really like to give things that I like to other people because good thing don't just leave to yourself. A friend scold me dumb but I don't care being called dumb as long as I happy!!!

So the good karma today is......

I bought four books at the price of one book!!! Happy die me!!!


The price for one book RM 7.90 with ori price of RM 46.90.

I only like certain genre so in the end just pick these four. Since I have a very long holiday, hopefully i can finish all of them before I start working. I bought book wrapper as well to wrap all the books. Thinking of buying the FAMOUS 50shadesofgrey but Randy said its too I think I just stick to my Ian Fleming's collection lah.... Since when I am so into reading this kind of book? Since the sky falling down zero zero seven ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Alright I stop my madness here. Back to the karma story. I felt that I gave out something i really like and then i get something better in return. *Happy.

This is love.

Tomorrow is Monday. Happy Monday everyone!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Dear Nic,
    Thanx for letting go one of ur precious belonging to me..I'll make sure that the book will be taken care well..FYI, I finish read the book on saturday..really love the storyline n I do hope things happen in the book will happen to me in real life..thanx again for all the precious moments between us n I do hope our friendship will be forever.. If u by any chance coming to the peninsular malaysia,please contact me so that we could have the chance of meeting each other...ciao..
